Saturday, April 29, 2017


If I was hired by Brooklyn College to use New Media to improve the college experience the first thing I would do is allow for blackboard to be integrated with social media a little bit more. If there are other students like myself, they tend to forget to check their blackboard notifications as often as they should. I would also make it easier to find out about events by creating a page on every social media possible and have all of the clubs on campus submit their upcoming events and parties so that students have a more centralized place to find out about things. When I talk to new students at Brooklyn College they often say that they feel lost at the school and that there is a lack of community if you aren't involved in greek life or a club. I would want to change that and make the campus feel a little more like high school used to feel and I think that social media would be the perfect way to do so.

1 comment:

  1. For my advice I said something similar to you about the college
    utilizing social media more. I agree that more clubs should use social media to promote events because most people don't have time to attend weekly meetings.
